GIS Services Consulting, Development
and Data Management
Application Development
Data World developes solutions on Proprietary GIS Platforms as well as on Open Source
technologies. We offer end to end services such as Requirements Analysis, Solution
Design, Application Development and Integration on Desktop/Web/Mobile platforms.
Tools and Technologies supported
- MapServer, OpenLayers, MS4W, Mapfish
- Bing Maps, Google Maps API
- ArcGIS server, Arc SDE, Arc Objects, Siliverlight API, Flex API
- Other Proprietary and Open Source Technologies
Boundary Demarcation
Data World has been involved in numerous demarcation projects, including the original
Ward Boundary Demarcation for South Africa between 1994 and 2004.
We have worked
on Enumeration Area demarcation for the purpose of Census in South Africa and Mozambique
- Desktop Research and Analysis
- Mapping and GIS support for demarcation investigations
- Analysing existing and expected patterns
- Spatial Analysis using demographic information
Land Audit
Data World Consultants with GIS expertise support local governnments to undertake
Land Audits, which are highly accurate.
This helps the municipalities in enhancing revenue by having proper coverage. Our activities comprise of
- Verification and validation of spatial coverage
- Identification of ownership
- Preparation of SG Approved Layer and Deeds Registered layer
- Creating Property Register linked to Billing and other systems